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Bella was an abstract apricot but dilated/faded to white. CKC female toy poodle who weighs 7lbs and is 9" tall. Fair breeding quality. Not very good at mothering her babies and isn't to accepting to being bred with. Average litter size 4 puppies! She was born on September 15, 2021. She is Zeke and Cali daughter and Emmett's half-sister(Sa
Bella was an abstract apricot but dilated/faded to white. CKC female toy poodle who weighs 7lbs and is 9" tall. Fair breeding quality. Not very good at mothering her babies and isn't to accepting to being bred with. Average litter size 4 puppies! She was born on September 15, 2021. She is Zeke and Cali daughter and Emmett's half-sister(Same mom). She spends most of her time laying around or playing with puppies. She doesn't like others to be in her space just like her mother. And she loves her belly rubbed just like her dad. She is quiet and you will not hear much from her. She had to get baby teeth pulled that did not fall out. Bella is on a STRICT 6-week grooming schedule due to her personality(she does not keep herself clean).
Genetically tested:
ee on the E locus
KBky on the K locus
Intermediate Red on the Intensity Loci
atat on the A locus
dd on the D locus
NN on cocoa alleles
BB on the B locus
II on Saddle Tan Raly
SS on the S locus
mm on the M locus
rr on the R locus
hh on the H locus
One copes of IVDD
One copy of low ALT.
COI 17%
She likely also has one or no greying gene(Gg) *Her fading could be due to the dilate gene(dd).* She has had a few pups in the past with another dog that has the greying gene and none have been silver so this leads me to believe she doesn't have it or only has one copy!
I need to do CDPA testing to see if her shorten legs are from IVDD or CDPA! If from CDPA she will continue to be used here!
Vet Results for knees(patella) normal.
She will be a breeder here for the rest of her life and will stay here after she is spayed because she does not like people!
DNA and HEALTH test, pedigree documents on this link:
OFA Link: Pending
Carmen is a white and brown parti AKC and CKC female miniature poodle who weighs 8lbs and is 11" tall. She was born on May 22, 2023. She is not a hold me type but is perfectly fine just being next/close by you. She is trying her best here to fit in with the rest of the dog but they like to pick on her from time to time.
Genetically teste
Carmen is a white and brown parti AKC and CKC female miniature poodle who weighs 8lbs and is 11" tall. She was born on May 22, 2023. She is not a hold me type but is perfectly fine just being next/close by you. She is trying her best here to fit in with the rest of the dog but they like to pick on her from time to time.
Genetically tested:
EmE on the E locus
KBky on the K locus
Dilute Red on the Intensity Loci
ayat on the A locus
DD on the D locus
NN on cocoa alleles
bb on the B locus
NI on Saddle Tan Raly
spsp on the S locus
mm on the M locus
rr on the R locus
hh on the H locus
Two copes of IVDD
One copy of low ALT
COI 7%
She likely has no greying(gg). She has kept her color.
Vet Results for knees(patella) provisional normal.
She will likely be a breeder the rest of her life and will stay here with us, if/when I deicide to retire her! DNA and HEALTH test, pedigree documents on this link:
OFA link
AKC DNA # V10116265
Graycie is a Gray (brindle ponited "agouti/wolf grey," tri-color: grey/silver, white, black, and tan/apricot) AKC and CKC female miniature poodle who weighs 9lbs and is 11" tall. She is a great breeder! Natural mom to her babies! Average litter size 2 puppies! She was born on October 19, 2021. She is a wild child and very vocal about her
Graycie is a Gray (brindle ponited "agouti/wolf grey," tri-color: grey/silver, white, black, and tan/apricot) AKC and CKC female miniature poodle who weighs 9lbs and is 11" tall. She is a great breeder! Natural mom to her babies! Average litter size 2 puppies! She was born on October 19, 2021. She is a wild child and very vocal about her needs. When she wants to go/come inside/out she will scream. Her heat cycle has also told us that she will scream because she wants the boys. She reminds me of a possum. Graycie has anxiety and gets worked up over things.
Genetically tested:
Ee on the E locus
KB(br)ky on the K locus
Intermediate Red on the Intensity Loci
awat on the A locus
DD on the D locus
NN on cocoa alleles
Bb on the B locus
II on Saddle Tan Raly
Ssp on the S locus
mm on the M locus
rr on the R locus
hh on the H locus
Two copes of IVDD
Believed to have NO CDPA!
COI 26%
She likely has no greying (gg).*Her grey is due to the agouti/wolf grey gene not the greying gene but it is hard to tell.*
Vet Results for knees(patella) right knee grade 1- left knee normal.
She will likely be a breeder the rest of her life and will stay here with us, if/when I deicide to retire her! DNA and HEALTH test, pedigree documents on this link:
OFA link
AKC DNA # V10083781
Jay is a Black Merle AKC and CKC male miniature poodle who weighs 17lbs and is 14.5" tall. He studded one litter of puppies! He throws off females, merles, and blue eyes! He has square proportions. He was born on October 28, 2022. He is very agility. He likes to j
Jay is a Black Merle AKC and CKC male miniature poodle who weighs 17lbs and is 14.5" tall. He studded one litter of puppies! He throws off females, merles, and blue eyes! He has square proportions. He was born on October 28, 2022. He is very agility. He likes to jump and run. Jay has taken on roll of alpha here now and main stud! He is a barker.
Genetically tested:
Ee on the E locus
KBky(br) on the K locus
Intermediate Red on the Intensity Loci
ayat on the A locus
DD on the D locus
NN on cocoa alleles
Bb on the B locus
NI on Saddle Tan Raly
SS on the S locus
Mm on the M locus
rr on the R locus
hh on the H locus
One copy(carrier) of Methemoglobinemia
COI 6%
He likely has no greying (gg). He has kept his color.
Vet Results for knees(patella) normal.
DNA and HEALTH test, pedigree documents on this link:
OFA link
AKC DNA # V10083806
Kaia is a Black with white marking CKC female toy poodle who weighs 8.5lbs and is 9" tall. She was born on April 1, 2023. Her fertility is unknown at this time. She will be bred sometime in 2025! She is a wild child! She loves to run! And she barks A LOT at EVERY
Kaia is a Black with white marking CKC female toy poodle who weighs 8.5lbs and is 9" tall. She was born on April 1, 2023. Her fertility is unknown at this time. She will be bred sometime in 2025! She is a wild child! She loves to run! And she barks A LOT at EVERYTHING! She has an attitude about anything that she does not like or want to do and does not back down! She is always trying to bite someone back leg (another dog). She loves water! She is Sammie and Remi's daughter.
Genetically tested:
Ee on the E locus
KBky on the K locus
Intermediate Red on the Intensity Loci
atat on the A locus
DD on the D locus
NN on cocoa alleles
BB on the B locus
II on Saddle Tan Raly
Ssp on the S locus
mm on the M locus
rr on the R locus
hh on the H locus
Two copies of IVDD
COI 6%
Likely has no greying gene(gg). She has kept her color.
Vet Results for knees(patella) normal.
I need to do CDPA testing to see if her shorten legs are from IVDD or CDPA! If from CDPA she will continue to be used here!
I don't think she will be available for adoption. She is not fond of new people. So, she will likely stay here and be a breeder the rest of her life.
DNA and HEALTH test, pedigree documents on this link:
Panda is a White and Black Parti AKC and CKC male miniature poodle. He was born on January 5, 2024. His fertility is unknow at this time. He is Skylar and Hershey's son! His grandpa is Rusty, grandma is Gracyie, and Aunt is Raven. He is a busybody, always on the
Panda is a White and Black Parti AKC and CKC male miniature poodle. He was born on January 5, 2024. His fertility is unknow at this time. He is Skylar and Hershey's son! His grandpa is Rusty, grandma is Gracyie, and Aunt is Raven. He is a busybody, always on the go. He barks when excited, nervous, etc.
Genetically tested:
Ee on the E locus
KBky on the K locus
Intermediate Red on the Intensity Loci
awat on the A locus
DD on the D locus
NN on cocoa alleles
Bb on the B locus
II on Saddle Tan Raly
spsp on the S locus
mm on the M locus
rr on the R locus
hh on the H locus
Two copes of IVDD
One copy of DM
COI 5%
Greying gene unknow at this time. Has not shown any greying yet.
Panda will not be staying here as a stud long. He loves people and will be going up for adoption!
Provisional Vet Results for knees(patella) normal.
DNA and HEALTH test, pedigree documents on this link:
OFA link Pending
AKC DNA # V10116221
Raven is a black AKC and CKC female miniature poodle. She was born on March 15, 2024. Fertility is unknown at this time. She is Graycie's and Rusty's daughter; Nephew is Panda! She loves to play in water and the hose. She is very submissive.
Genetically tested:
Ee on the E locus
KBKy on the K locus
Intermediate Red on the Intensity Loc
Raven is a black AKC and CKC female miniature poodle. She was born on March 15, 2024. Fertility is unknown at this time. She is Graycie's and Rusty's daughter; Nephew is Panda! She loves to play in water and the hose. She is very submissive.
Genetically tested:
Ee on the E locus
KBKy on the K locus
Intermediate Red on the Intensity Loci
atat on the A locus
DD on the D locus
NN on cocoa alleles
Bb on the B locus
II on Saddle Tan Raly
SS on the S locus
mm on the M locus
Rr on the R locus
hh on the H locus
Two copes of IVDD
COI 6%
Greying gene is unknown at this time! But likely has one copy of greying gene(Gg). She has started to fade.
Provisional vet results for patella(knees) grade 1.
Raven will not be staying here long and will go up for adoption.
DNA and HEALTH test, pedigree documents on this link:
OFA Link: Pending!
AKC DNA# V10149864
Rosie is an AKC and CKC Red with blaze(chest) Miniature Poodle who weighs 12lbs and is 12" tall. She was born on June 10, 2022. She is a great AMAZING natural momma and breeder! Average litter size 6 puppies! She is really barky outside but not inside. She likes
Rosie is an AKC and CKC Red with blaze(chest) Miniature Poodle who weighs 12lbs and is 12" tall. She was born on June 10, 2022. She is a great AMAZING natural momma and breeder! Average litter size 6 puppies! She is really barky outside but not inside. She likes to climb fences! She also likes to start fights and pick on the smaller dogs. She has become queen bee here! She has anxiety.
Genetically tested:
ee on the E locus
KBky on the K locus
Intense Red on the Intensity Loci
atat on the A locus
DD on the D locus
NN on cocoa alleles
BB on the B locus
II on Saddle Tan Raly
SS on the S locus
mm on the M locus
rr on the R locus
hh on the H locus
One copy of IVDD
One copy of low ALT
COI 9%
She likely has no greying gene.(gg). *She has kept her deep red coloring.*
Vet Results for knees(patella) normal
DNA and HEALTH test, pedigree documents on this link:
OFA link
AKC DNA # V10083779
Rusty is solid Brown(has faded) AKC and CKC male Miniature poodle who weighs 8lbs and is 12in tall. He thinks that he is the alpha of the pack and will pick fights with the other males. He does not like for the dogs to get rowdy and will bark at them. He loves to be held like a toddler and is as sweet as can be! He also likes to clean the
Rusty is solid Brown(has faded) AKC and CKC male Miniature poodle who weighs 8lbs and is 12in tall. He thinks that he is the alpha of the pack and will pick fights with the other males. He does not like for the dogs to get rowdy and will bark at them. He loves to be held like a toddler and is as sweet as can be! He also likes to clean the other dogs eye boogers. He was born on December 3, 2020. He has studded 8 litters of puppies! He is a great stud! And my main go to man to get the job done! He has square proportions.
Genetically tested:
Ee on the E locus
KBKB on the K locus
Intermediate Red on the Intensity Loci
AYat on the A locus
DD on the D locus
NN on cocoa alleles
bb on the B locus
NI on Saddle Tan Raly
SS on the S locus
mm on the M locus
Rr on the R locus
hh on the H locus
One copy of IVDD
COI 10%
He likely has one greying gene.(Gg). *His deep brown color has faded*
Results for knees(patella) normal
Hips felt good; need x-rays to confirm
He will be staying here till I can get a better fitting stud to replace him!
DNA and HEALTH test, pedigree documents on this link:
OFA link
AKC DNA # V10083807
Sammie is black(faded) with blaze(right foot) CKC female toy poodle who weighs 8lbs and is 9" tall. She is a natural mother and protective her babies. She is a great breeder! She loves to be in our lap and sleep with us! She will bark at other dogs and people outside the fence but is actually very friendly. She was born November 20, 2016
Sammie is black(faded) with blaze(right foot) CKC female toy poodle who weighs 8lbs and is 9" tall. She is a natural mother and protective her babies. She is a great breeder! She loves to be in our lap and sleep with us! She will bark at other dogs and people outside the fence but is actually very friendly. She was born November 20, 2016. Average litter size is 4 puppies! Kaia is her daughters that we have kept here!
Genetically tested:
Ee on the E locus
KBKB on the K locus
Intermediate Red on the Intensity Loci
atat on the A locus
DD on the D locus
BB on the B locus
II on Saddle Tan Raly
Ssp on the S locus
mm on the M locus
hh on the H locus
Two copies of IVDD
One copy of low ALT
COI 6%
She likely has one greying gene.(Gg). *Her jet black color has faded*
Results for knees(patella) grade 1 both knees
I need to do CDPA testing to see if her shorten legs are from IVDD or CDPA! If from CDPA she will continue to be used here!
She will likely be a breeder the rest of her life. And will stay here when/if I deicide to retire her! I really want to retire her soon but circumstances make me keep having to put it off! DNA and HEALTH test, pedigree documents on this link:
Skylar is an abstract Apricot AKC and CKC female toy poodle who weighs 6lbs and is 9in tall. She is not very accepting to all males! She is very selective! But is an okay mother. She did fine with birth and newborns but when they got older she is over caring for them! Average litter size 4 puppies! She was born April 30, 2022. She loves
Skylar is an abstract Apricot AKC and CKC female toy poodle who weighs 6lbs and is 9in tall. She is not very accepting to all males! She is very selective! But is an okay mother. She did fine with birth and newborns but when they got older she is over caring for them! Average litter size 4 puppies! She was born April 30, 2022. She loves people and cuddles. She is super sweet and loving. She is very protective as well. She is really barky. She is a feisty little one and has no issue standing up for herself. She thinks that she is one of the boys. She is an ankle biter to strangers people and dogs. Skylar is on a STRICT 6-week grooming schedule due to her personality(she does not keep herself clean).
Genetically tested:
ee on the E locus
KBky on the K locus
Intermediate Red on the Intensity Loci
AYat on the A locus
DD on the D locus
NN on Cocoa alleles
Bb on the B locus
NI on Saddle Tan Raly
Ssp on the S locus
mm on the M locus
rr on the R locus
hh on the H locus
One copy of IVDD
One copy of DM
Believed to have 1 copy of CDPA!
COI 6%
Likely has one greying gene(Gg).*Her white markings are starting to blend into her coat color*
Results for knees(patella) normal.
I believe her shorten legs are from CDPA, as one of her puppies had one copy of CDPA! More testing will be done to determine!
She will stay here the rest of her life because she is my only AKC toy that I have and dislikes new people!
DNA and HEALTH test, pedigree documents on this link:
OFA link
AKC DNA # V10083780
Zeke is black(faded) with blaze(chest) AKC and CKC male toy poodle who weighs 5lbs and is 8 3/4in tall. He is sweet boy and strives to not cause trouble or get himself into any trouble. Even though he is little he will not tolerate being picked on and will stand up for himself. He loves to get belly rubs, if he knows you are going to pet
Zeke is black(faded) with blaze(chest) AKC and CKC male toy poodle who weighs 5lbs and is 8 3/4in tall. He is sweet boy and strives to not cause trouble or get himself into any trouble. Even though he is little he will not tolerate being picked on and will stand up for himself. He loves to get belly rubs, if he knows you are going to pet him he will immediately lay on his back for you to rub his belly. He barks only when the other dogs get rowdy. He was born on February 13, 2020. He has studded three litter of puppies. He is an okay stud. He has to flirt and play around before he can get the job done. He had to get baby teeth pulled that did not fall out. Zeke is on a STRICT 6-week grooming schedule due to his coat type. He is unable to bred with the tall girls as he just can not reach! He tries his heart out but just can not get it! He can not be bred with Bella because that is his daughter! Bella is his daughter that we have kept here!
Genetically tested:
Ee on the E locus
KBky on the K locus
Intermediate Red on the Intensity Loci
atat on the A locus
Dd on the D locus
BB on the B locus
II on Saddle Tan Raly
SS on the S locus
mm on the M locus
hh on the H locus
One copy of IVDD
Carrier(one copy) of PRA-PRCD
COI 5%
He likely has one greying gene.(Gg). *His jet black color has faded*
Results for knees(patella) right normal- left grade 1
Not sure if he is effected by IVDD or CDPA!
He will be staying here as a stud for a while!
DNA and HEALTH test, pedigree documents on this link:.
OFA link
AKC DNA # V10083808
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