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Panda is an AKC registered and CKC registered white and black parti Miniature Poodle. He is currently 9lbs, 13" tall, and full grown. He was born on January 5, 2024(8 months old). He is ready to go to a new home now as a breeder! He can be purchased as a stud for $4,000 or as a pet for $900. If wanting to purchase as a pet; you have two
Panda is an AKC registered and CKC registered white and black parti Miniature Poodle. He is currently 9lbs, 13" tall, and full grown. He was born on January 5, 2024(8 months old). He is ready to go to a new home now as a breeder! He can be purchased as a stud for $4,000 or as a pet for $900. If wanting to purchase as a pet; you have two options; put down a RESERVATION fee of $200-does come off his price and is not refundable- so I can get him neutered or pay FULL price now and I will REFUND you the $3,100 after I have proof that he was NEUTERED! If you chose for me to neuter him, I can normally get him on the schedule within two months of the reservation fee. Within 24 business hours of receiving the reservation fee I will call and get him scheduled! His DNA and health test results were Ee, KBky, awat, DD, NN, Bb, II, spsp, mm, rr, hh, nn, 2 IVDD, and 1 DM. COI 5% AKC DNA # V10116221
He is kennel trained, fully vaccinated till April 2025, micro chipped, and on heartworm and flea prevention. Heartworm and Flea prevention is Multi Advantage 9-20lbs(teal); he gets it on the 16th of every month!
His mom is Skylar, she is an AKC and CKC abstract apricot toy poodle that weighs 6lbs and is 9" tall. His dad is Hershey, he is a brown(faded) miniature poodle that weighs 10lbs and is 13" tall.
Panda hates to be alone. He loves to be with you or another dog always. He is submissive and does not get car sick. Panda jumps when he is excited. Panda does not care for grooming and can put up a bit of a fight. Panda is very vocal about what he likes and doesn't like. I do not know how he is as a stud because I have not used him as a stud yet.
Reach out to me if interested in him or if you have an additional questions.
SHE ONLY HAS THREE LEGS! HER BACK LEG WAS AMPUTATED! Chloe is a CKC registered with pedigree Black(faded) miniature poodle. She weighs 5lbs and is 10.5" tall. She has square proportions. She was born on April 14, 2020(4 years). She is READY TO GO HOME NOW! PICK-UP AVAILABLE TODAY OR OVER THE WEEKENED! She is SPAYED! Her DNA and health te
SHE ONLY HAS THREE LEGS! HER BACK LEG WAS AMPUTATED! Chloe is a CKC registered with pedigree Black(faded) miniature poodle. She weighs 5lbs and is 10.5" tall. She has square proportions. She was born on April 14, 2020(4 years). She is READY TO GO HOME NOW! PICK-UP AVAILABLE TODAY OR OVER THE WEEKENED! She is SPAYED! Her DNA and health testing results are 1 low ALT, 1 IVDD, 1 DCM1, Ee, KBKB, atat, DD, NN, BB, II, SS, mm, rr, and hh. COI 6% Do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions about her results! Born and raised here with us. She is house and kennel trained. Up to date on her shots (Rabies, DAPP+L, and Bordetella) and worming. She has been DNA and health tested by embark. She gets her heartworm and flea prevention every month on the 3rd. Heartworm and Flea prevention is Advantage Multi for Dogs, green size(3-9lbs). She is heartworm NEGATIVE, flea, and parasite free. She is up-to-date on her shots(Rabies, DAPP, Bordetella, and Leptospirosis) for the year and does not need shots again till November 2024, ckc registered with pedigree, dna and health tested, house and kennel trained, micro-chipped, and spayed. She is Sammie and Elliott daughter plus Kaia half-sister(same mom). Sammie is faded black toy poodle that weighs 8lbs and is 9' tall. Elliott is a faded cream miniature poodle that weighs 5lbs. She likes to army crawl on the ground. She is a bit on the wild side but has calmed down over the years. She listens fairly well but can have her moments. She is definitely a wild child with a lot of energy. She is perfectly happy and health with just her three legs and gets around just fine! She loves attention just like her mom! She does GREAT with grooming no issues not even with her face! She will be the first one in your lap and loves to cuddle. She is momma dog. She fosters other puppies. She is super sweet and loving and would make the perfect lap dog! She will let you know without a doubt if she needs to go outside to go to the bathroom!
The reason for her going up for adoption is the following:
She is very selective on who she will bred with, not good for breeding variety, has DCM, low ALT(have too many low ALT dogs), is dominant black KBKB, is BB(does not carry brown), only CKC registered(looking to do mostly AKC), and she only has three legs and can not carry puppies ever again due to this.
Her leg was amputated due to a horrible dog fight that happened. The dog killed one of my other dogs and bit and crashed Chloe's leg. She has been threw such a horrible thing! She is not handicap! She is a great pet and lap dog. Her price will NOT change just because she has three legs! She is not defective! Her price will NOT change till she is 5 years old!
*I am trying to down size the amount of animals I have. Additional pictures are available below. I will update pictures every 2/3 months! She will stay here till she dies, if no one wants her because she only has three legs! We LOVE her NO matter WHAT!!*
Emmett is a CKC registered with pedigree Brown and Tan Phantom miniature poodle. He weighs 22lbs and is 14 3/5" tall. He was born on July 19, 2023(1 year). He is READY TO GO HOME NOW! PICK-UP AVAILABLE TODAY OR OVER THE WEEKENED! MEET AND GREET HIGHLY RECOMMENDED before being chosen! He can be purchased as a stud for $2,000(He WILL be neu
Emmett is a CKC registered with pedigree Brown and Tan Phantom miniature poodle. He weighs 22lbs and is 14 3/5" tall. He was born on July 19, 2023(1 year). He is READY TO GO HOME NOW! PICK-UP AVAILABLE TODAY OR OVER THE WEEKENED! MEET AND GREET HIGHLY RECOMMENDED before being chosen! He can be purchased as a stud for $2,000(He WILL be neutered in November 2024) or as a pet for $900. If wanting to purchase as a pet; you have two options; put down a RESERVATION fee of $200-does come off his price and is not refundable- so I can get him neutered or pay FULL price now and I will REFUND you the $1,100 after I have proof that he was NEUTERED! If you chose for me to neuter him, I can normally get him on the schedule within two months of the reservation fee. Within 24 business hours of receiving the reservation fee I will call and get him scheduled! His DNA and health testing results are 1 low ALT, 2 IVDD, Ee, KyKy, atat, Dd(VERY RARE HARD TO FIND TRAIT), NN, bb, II, Ssp, mm, rr, and hh. COI 5% Do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions about his results! Born and raised here with us. He is kennel trained. Up to date on his shots (Rabies, DAPP+L, and Bordetella) and worming. He has been DNA and health tested by embark. He gets his heartworm and flea prevention every month on the 3rd. Heartworm and Flea prevention is Advantage Multi for Dogs, red size(20-55lbs); will come with the rest of his heartworm and flea prevention. He is heartworm NEGATIVE, flea, and parasite free. He is up-to-date on his shots(Rabies, DAPP, Bordetella, and Leptospirosis) for the year and does not need shots again till November 2024, ckc registered with pedigree, dna and health tested, kennel trained, and micro-chipped. He is Cali and Remi son plus Kaia and Bella half-brother. Cali is an apricot miniature poodle that weighs 12lbs and is 11' tall. Remi is a black and tan phantom miniature poodle that weighs 11lbs and is 11" tall. Emmett is a GREAT amazing guy! He is sweet as can be, loves to be held/carried like a baby. Loves belly rubs! But he is NOT a lap dog! He will break your arm! He does take a little while to warm up to new people but once he does he loves you wholeheartedly. He also loves to bark at anything and everything outside just because it's Emmett. Well to be honest he is a little unsure of things. He loves to chase birds around the yard. He loves to play but be careful if you have a little dog because he does not know his size and thinks he is little, so he get a bit to rough sometimes. He is a very energic lively dog. He gets along okay with other dogs(puppies he does not like older dogs he is not to fond of them; depending on there size) he is unsure of things so this sometimes makes him a little on edge about new dogs. Although he is a barker outside, I do not hear a word from him inside! He is not like the rest of the male dogs where he pees all over anything and everything so I think he would do fine in the house. I do not know how he is as a stud because I have not used him or tried to use him with any of my girls because he is still a puppy! He will not be used as a stud here at all. Emmett is the biggest male I have here but he is very submissive.
The reason for him going up for adoption is the following:
He is CKC registered ONLY, is a very LARGE miniature POODLE(want to get back into doing toys not doing larger sizes), has 2 IVDD(looking to breed this out), is a male(I no longer want CKC males), can only be bred to Sammie due to being only CKC, is related to Bella and Kaia. and has low ALT(have too many dogs with this).
His price will NOT change till he is 5 years old!
*I am trying to down size the amount of animals I have. Additional pictures are available below. I will update pictures every 2/3 months!
Jay is an AKC and CKC registered with pedigree Black(non-fading) Merle miniature poodle. He weighs 17lbs and is 14.5" tall. He was born on October 28, 2022(1 Year). He is READY TO GO HOME NOW! PICK-UP AVAILABLE TODAY OR OVER THE WEEKENED! MEET AND GREET HIGHLY RECOMMENDED before being chosen! He can be purchased as a stud for $2,500 or as
Jay is an AKC and CKC registered with pedigree Black(non-fading) Merle miniature poodle. He weighs 17lbs and is 14.5" tall. He was born on October 28, 2022(1 Year). He is READY TO GO HOME NOW! PICK-UP AVAILABLE TODAY OR OVER THE WEEKENED! MEET AND GREET HIGHLY RECOMMENDED before being chosen! He can be purchased as a stud for $2,500 or as a pet for $900. If wanting to purchase as a pet; you have two options; put down a RESERVATION fee of $200-does come off his price and is not refundable- so I can get him neutered or pay FULL price now and I will REFUND you the $1,600 after I have proof that he was NEUTERED! If you chose for me to neuter him, I can normally get him on the schedule within two months of the reservation fee. Within 24 business hours of receiving the reservation fee I will call and get him scheduled! His DNA and health testing results are 1 Methemoglobinemia, Ee, KBKy, ayat, DD, NN, Bb, NI, SS, Mm, rr, and hh. COI 6%; AKC DNA # V10083806; Normal OFA patella's. Do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions about his results! He is kennel trained. Up to date on his shots (Rabies, DAPP+L, and Bordetella) and worming. He has been DNA and health tested by embark. He gets his heartworm and flea prevention every month on the 26th. Heartworm and Flea prevention is Advantage Multi for Dogs, teal size(9-20lbs). He is heartworm NEGATIVE, flea, and parasite free. He is up-to-date on his shots(Rabies, DAPP, Bordetella, and Leptospirosis) for the year and does not need shots again till February 2025, AKC and ckc registered with pedigree, dna and health tested, normal patella's, kennel trained, and micro-chipped. Jay loves to dance, roll is grass, and takes his "job" very serious. He barks when he hears or sees something he is unsure of. He sees himself as alpha of the pack here, only looking up to our standard Poodle Prince for guidance. He is a typical male and pees on anything and everything. He has studded one litter of three puppies in the past; mostly girls in the litter threw off all merle and one with some blue in eye; so he can produce blue eyed merles. And until someone claims him will continue to be considered as a stud here. He is fine with puppies but is very protective over his females(he takes his "job" very serious). Older bigger dogs he will bark at till he feels comfortable enough to go by them, it normally only takes him a little while to warm up. He does fine with grooming besides for his paws and face but other than that he just lays there and does great. He is very dominant. Jay came from a puppy mill, the "breeder" lied to me and said he was a toy when he clearly wasn't because when I got him he was already 4lbs. He has been with us since he was 8 weeks old.
The reason for him going up for adoption is the following:
He is a very LARGE miniature POODLE(want to get back into doing toys not doing larger sizes) and I can only use him with a few of my bigger girls here.
His price will NOT change till he is 5 years old!
*I am trying to down size the amount of animals I have. Additional pictures are available below. I will update pictures every 2/3 months!
Kaia is a CKC registered with pedigree Black with white markings toy poodle. She weighs 9lbs and is 8" tall. She was born on April 1, 2023(1 Year). She is READY TO GO HOME NOW! PICK-UP AVAILABLE TODAY OR OVER THE WEEKENED; MEET AND GREET HIGHLY RECOMMENDED before being chosen!! She can be purchased as a damn for $2,000 or as a pet for $90
Kaia is a CKC registered with pedigree Black with white markings toy poodle. She weighs 9lbs and is 8" tall. She was born on April 1, 2023(1 Year). She is READY TO GO HOME NOW! PICK-UP AVAILABLE TODAY OR OVER THE WEEKENED; MEET AND GREET HIGHLY RECOMMENDED before being chosen!! She can be purchased as a damn for $2,000 or as a pet for $900. If wanting to purchase as a pet; you have two options; put down a RESERVATION fee of $200-does come off her price and is not refundable- so I can get her spayed or pay FULL price now and I will REFUND you the $1,100 after I have proof that she was SPAYED! If you chose for me to spay her, I can normally get her on the schedule within two months of the reservation fee. Within 24 business hours of receiving the reservation fee I will call and get her scheduled! Her DNA and health testing results are 2 IVDD, Ee, KBKy, atat, DD, NN, BB, II, Ssp, mm, rr, and hh. COI 6%. Do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions about her results! She is kennel trained. Up to date on her shots (Rabies, DAPP+L, and Bordetella) and worming. She has been DNA and health tested by embark. She gets her heartworm and flea prevention every month on the 8th. Heartworm and Flea prevention is Advantage Multi for Dogs, teal size(9-20lbs). She is heartworm NEGATIVE, flea, and parasite free. She is up-to-date on her shots(Rabies, DAPP, Bordetella, and Leptospirosis) for the year and does not need shots again till July 2025, ckc registered with pedigree, dna and health tested, kennel trained, and micro-chipped.
Kaia can have an attitude but is very submissive. She prefers to be alone. She does not get car sick, hates the leash, and does good with grooming. She will stick up for herself if need be. She has never been bred, so I do not know how she will be as a breeder. I do not think she will be a good breeder because she seems to dislike the boys. I have not tired to bred her yet so I can not say for sure. However I do believe that it would be in her best interest to be spayed. I may try to breed her on her next heat cycle and see how she does. If that heat cycle does not work out she will be SPAYED automatically. She was born and raised here with us. Her mom is Sammie, a black ckc toy poodle; weighs 8lbs and 9" tall. Her dad is Remi, a black and tan ckc miniature poodle; weighs 12lbs and 11" tall. Kaia does not like cats, she is always barking at our cats inside. She does also bark a bit outside. When she gets nervous she "statues."
The reason for her going up for adoption is the following:
She is ckc registered only, does not carry Brown(BB), has 2 IVDD(looking to breed this out), weighs more than I would like her to, and does not have the "correct" body type for a poodle.
Her price will NOT change till she is 5 years old!
*I am trying to down size the amount of animals I have. Additional pictures are available below. I will update pictures every 2/3 months!
Rosie is an AKC and CKC registered with pedigree Red(non-fading) miniature poodle. She weighs 12lbs and is 12" tall. She was born on June 10, 2022(2 Years). She is READY TO GO HOME NOW! PICK-UP AVAILABLE TODAY OR OVER THE WEEKENED; MEET AND GREET HIGHLY RECOMMENDED before being chosen!! She can be purchased as a damn for $2,500 or as a pe
Rosie is an AKC and CKC registered with pedigree Red(non-fading) miniature poodle. She weighs 12lbs and is 12" tall. She was born on June 10, 2022(2 Years). She is READY TO GO HOME NOW! PICK-UP AVAILABLE TODAY OR OVER THE WEEKENED; MEET AND GREET HIGHLY RECOMMENDED before being chosen!! She can be purchased as a damn for $2,500 or as a pet for $900. If wanting to purchase as a pet; you have two options; put down a RESERVATION fee of $200-does come off her price and is not refundable- so I can get her spayed or pay FULL price now and I will REFUND you the $1,600 after I have proof that she was SPAYED! If you chose for me to spay her, I can normally get her on the schedule within two months of the reservation fee. Within 24 business hours of receiving the reservation fee I will call and get her scheduled! Her DNA and health testing results are 1 low ALT, 1 IVDD, ee, KBKy, 9 out of 10 Red intense, atat, DD, NN, BB, II, SS, mm, rr, and hh. COI 9%; AKC DNA # V10083779; Normal OFA patella's. Do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions about her results! She is kennel trained. Up to date on her shots (Rabies, DAPP+L, and Bordetella) and worming. She has been DNA and health tested by embark. She gets her heartworm and flea prevention every month on the 8th. Heartworm and Flea prevention is Advantage Multi for Dogs, teal size(9-20lbs). She is heartworm NEGATIVE, flea, and parasite free. She is up-to-date on her shots(Rabies, DAPP, Bordetella, and Leptospirosis) for the year and does not need shots again till September 2025, AKC and ckc registered with pedigree, dna and health tested, normal patella's, kennel trained, and micro-chipped. Rosie is a barker, she barks at anything and everything. She will bark at the other dogs if they are in her "spot" to make them move. She is not very tolerant, she has a short fuse. She picks and chooses who she likes and wants to get along with. She does great with grooming. She does have some anxiety. She has had one litter in the pasted of six puppies and did a great job. Her next heat cycle is coming up! Once they are older she is over them so weaning early is a must for this girl. She will be used at a damn here till someone claims her. She has been with us since she was 8 weeks old. I got her hoping that he carried Merle and brown; which the "breeder" didn't test so I did not find out till after I got her! I also thought she was going to be a "toy" and again she turned out to be a miniature! She is my largest female I have here. She has a very dominant personality.
The reason for her going up for adoption is the following:
She is a miniature POODLE(want to get back into doing toys not doing larger sizes), has low ALT(have too many with this), and does not carry Brown(BB).
Her price will NOT change till she is 5 years old!
*I am trying to down size the amount of animals I have. Additional pictures are available below. I will update pictures every 2/3 months!
I will occasionally have adults for adoption due to varies reasons. Sometimes it's because they have been retired. Sometimes it's because they had to have a c-section before the age of retirement. Sometimes it's because they are not fertile. Sometimes it's because I need to make more room for newer/better stock. Sometimes it's because the
I will occasionally have adults for adoption due to varies reasons. Sometimes it's because they have been retired. Sometimes it's because they had to have a c-section before the age of retirement. Sometimes it's because they are not fertile. Sometimes it's because I need to make more room for newer/better stock. Sometimes it's because they are not a good breeder/mother. Over the next few years you will see that I will have a bunch of adults for adoption this is because, I am looking to get rid of some of my dominant black dogs KBKB, "red" dogs ee, and ckc registered dogs(I am looking to do mostly AKC dogs rather than CKC). Also the dog fights have gotten more frequent, some dogs just don't get along so it would be in there best interest to be rehomed to a better environment. Adults are always up-to-date on vaccinations, heartworm and flea preventive, heartworm and parasite(worm) free, spayed/neutered, DNA and health tested with results provided, CKC and/or AKC registered with pedigree, micro-chipped, and house and/or kennel trained. AKC adults will have OFA certifications and DNA#. Young Adult Females or Males 6 months to 5 years old will be $900. Mature Adult Male or Female over 5 years to 11 years will be $600. Senior Female or male over 11 years will be $300. These prices are only for spayed/neutered dogs. I will sell some dogs on a breeder purchase that are under 7 years old but MOST of them will only qualify for PET ONLY! Breeder purchase prices will depend on the genetic make-up of the individual dog. If you want an adult from my program and want to get on the wait list to be alerted when adults for sale please see my wait list page. Next likely adults for adoption will be Raven and Panda; I do not know a time frame yet. Unless something happens sooner with one of the other girls first.
-Carmen because she has 2 IVDD.
- Raven because she has 2 IVDD.
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